Your Voucher Manager


Scanning the extracted Barcode in the shop or venue didn't work

I try to extract and replicate the barcodes as closely as possible, but there are many different nuances, which is why I can't guarantee that it will always work. In this case please just open the file or image that includes the barcode.

The shop, venue etc. didn't accept the voucher unless printed on paper

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it as every place has their own policies.

Will there be an Android version?

At this point there is no Android version planned.

I bought the premium version by accident or I don't like it. How do I get a refund?

Unfortunately I can't give you a refund, you need to contact Apple directly to help you.

I have lost or changed my phone, how can I get my data back

Your data can only be recovered if you have a premium membership. If you purchased one before just open the app and go to Settings -> Premium Membership and click on "Restore Purchase". Once your premium membership is restored the download of your data should automatically start and you should see your old sessions. If not, try to restart the app.

Why does a Vocha premium membership cost money?

Right now Vocha is a hobby project. Every subscription helps to fund the development of new features, bugfixing etc.

How can I contact you?

Check the About page for ways to contact us